April 25, 2018
Deception Pass Bridge

We love when man-made structures complement the beauty of the natural environment, and we were so happy to find that when we visited Deception Pass Bridge! Located in one of the most visited state parks in Washington, this amazing structure beautifully connects the picturesque islands of Whidby and Fidalgo. Now what we found to be the greatest part of visiting this bridge is that it can be viewed in so many ways. You can walk across it to take in the epic views of the ocean and mountains. You can walk along the trails underneath it to get a closer look at its amazing construction. You can even head out to the nearby beaches in the state park to view it from a distance and see how it blends in beautifully with the forest. No doubt, this bridge is one of those places that invokes both awe and inspiration from all angles!

What do you think of this bridge? Leave a comment…we would love to hear what you think!
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