November 2, 2017
The Wild Horses Monument In Eastern Washington

After moving to Seattle, we couldn’t wait to take a road trip to explore our new home state of Washington! So when we had a free weekend, we hopped into our car and decided to head east to check out the rural parts of the state where we unexpectedly found the Wild Horses Monument just off of the freeway in the town of Vantage. Based on our research, we found that this unique art installation also known as the Grandfather Cuts Loose the Ponies was built in 1989 by David Govedare to honor the wild horses that used to roam the area. Now it does require a short but steep hike up a rough path to reach the 15 life-size steel horses situated on the high ridge…but we found it to be so worth the effort especially with those sweeping views of the Columbia River and the Vantage Bridge!
Have a great rest of the week, and be sure to check out our latest post on our other photo blog, Our Ruins! We will be updating it more with the abandoned places we find in the Pacific Northwest!

What do you think of this roadside art installation? Leave a comment…we would love to hear what you think!
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